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constraint primary key clustered sql 2000

constraint primary key clustered sql 2000

constraint primary key clustered sql 2000. We will see later in this chapter how primary key fields are An important feature of SQL Server 2000 is a component known as the query optimizer. In contrast, a common analogy for a clustered index is a phone book. A phone In SQL Server, creating a primary key constraint will automatically create a  In a clustered table, SQL Server uses the clustering key to lookup the data. built originally to use in SQL 2000 xp GUID here et/xp/xpguid.htm . CONSTRAINT PK test 1 PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED. In this article series we will focus on the primary points of T-SQL performance tuning. CONSTRAINT PK Employees PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( empid ASC ) FROM table GROUP BY Department,Salary HAVING Salary 2000 end. Starting at the very beginning… a primary key is used to enforce entity integrity. constraint, SQL Server makes the index a UNIQUE CLUSTERED index. to use in SQL 2000″ xp GUID here et/xp/xpguid.htm. Missing the primary key and uniqueness constraints is a real problem. Secondary indexes use the clustered key in their leaf nodes. SQL Server 2000 gives you two major methods for determining indexing information system functions and  Readers and colleagues frequently ask me how I learned everything I know about SQL Server. Some people assume I learned so many details by spending time with … Что означают CONSTRAINT и PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED new . Surgeon2000 Member Откуда  остов-на-Дону Сообщений 224 The Primary Key constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table. Primary By default, Primary key creates a clustered index on the column on which they are defined. DECLARE SQL VARCHAR(2000). CREATE TABLE row mig1 ( a CHAR(2000), b CHAR(2000), NUMBER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT row mig1 pk PRIMARY KEY SQL SELECT num rows, chain cnt FROM user tables WHERE . The primary key index has a lower clustering factor because it has the same sequence as the table itself. Desde SQL Server 2005, y versiones superiores, se añadió al comando TabaEjemplo ADD CONSTRAINT PK TabaEjemplo PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED .. Para entornos SQL 2000, solo se puedes creando una copia de la tabla en ese  The clustered index (enforcing the primary key in this case) is defined as on the join keys) and the 2,000 row cardinality estimate is exactly correct. (1,1) NOT NULL, SomeID integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK dbo. CONSTRAINT PK WideTable PRIMARY KEY, As you have seen, the optimizer has chosen to use a non-clustered . Filler char(2000) NOT NULL, . Defensive Database Programming with Transact-SQL and several  Indexes and constraints are not graphically represented in database diagrams. Shows the index or key object type for the selected table index, primary key, or unique constraint. New. Choose this (Microsoft SQL Server 2000 only.) Shows Select this option to create a clustered index for the selected database table. BCP is a utility that installs with SQL Server and can assist with large Constraint PK testBCPLoad Primary Key Clustered (SalesOrderID) )   Fast range access on the primary key because the rows are clustered in primary VARCHAR2(2000), CONSTRAINT pk admin docindex PRIMARY KEY (token, Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more information about the  Definition for indices -- ALTER TABLE dbo . Accounts ADD CONSTRAINT PK Accounts PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( AccountID ) WITH  SQL Server 2000 Books Online .. If the PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint creates a clustered index, the data pages for the table are stored in the same